
Cerebellum Sculptor BDNF—BDNF Fuels the Development of the Cerebellar Intercrural Fissure

目前對於小腦發育和功能的關連性缺乏深入的探討。研究團隊最近發現剔除RNA剪接分子Rbm4 會影響小腦股間裂溝的發育,部份自閉症患者亦出現此裂溝發育不全的現象。由於Rbm4 剔除會降低BDNF 表達,我們在基因剔除小鼠的胚胎期給與 BDNF受體激動劑的補充,可恢復小腦股間裂溝的形成,並可改善成年期的運動學習。

A molecular and functional link between neurotrophin signaling and cerebellar foliation has been lacking. We recently reported that constitutive knockout of splicing factor Rbm4 genes in mice impairs the development of the intercrural fissure in the cerebellum. Importantly, this feature has been observed in autistic patients. Rbm4 knockout reduces BDNF expression. Prenatal treatment with an agonist of a BDNF receptor restored intercrural fissure formation in the neonatal cerebellum of Rbm4 knockout mice and improved motor learning in adulthood. Therefore, BDNF signaling during brain development is critical for cerebellar morphogenesis and motor learning.

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