
Chiral effects on core-collapse supernovae

符合觀測到的爆炸能量的核心塌縮超新星爆炸模型,具有高速度的中子星的脈衝星踢,以及磁星中強而穩定的磁場的起源,是天文物理學中三個長期存在的謎題。 於最近文獻中發現,若將左手微中子和電子的手徵效應納入其中,通過宇稱不守恆的弱相互作用,可導致磁場的動態增強,脈衝星踢的動量不對稱,以及在定量上有利於超新星爆炸的逆向能量串級,從而可能在一個自洽的理論框架中解釋這三個難題。

Core-collapse supernova explosions with the observed explosion energy, pulsar kicks for neutron stars with large velocities, and the origin of strong and stable magnetic fields in magnetars are three long-standing puzzles in astrophysics. It has been recently proposed that the inclusion of chiral effects for left-handed neutrinos and electrons, which interact through the weak interaction that globally breaks parity symmetry, could result in dynamically enhanced magnetic fields, momentum asymmetry for pulsar kicks, and the inverse cascade qualitatively favoring supernova explosions such that the three puzzles may be potentially explained in a self-consistent theoretical framework.

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Journal References :

[1] Naoki Yamamoto, Di-Lun Yang, “Effective Chiral Magnetic Effect from Neutrino Radiation”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 131, 012701 (2023).

[2] Kohei Kamada, Naoki Yamamoto, Di-Lun Yang, “Chiral effects in astrophysics and cosmology”, PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 129, 104016 (2023).