

常見小丑魚 Amphiprion ocellaris 鱗片的共焦熒光顯微鏡照片(鏡像)。 鱗片用螢光標記染色,以顯示覆蓋其表面的細胞(紅色為細胞核,藍色為肌動蛋白細胞骨架)。鱗片頂端的細胞是色素細胞,用來決定其顏色。以上細胞共同構成了小丑魚獨特的橙色、黑色和白色條紋圖案。

Confocal fluorescence microphotograph of a scale (mirrored) collected from the common clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris. The scale was stained with fluorescent markers to reveal the cells that cover its surface (nuclei in red, actin cytoskeleton in blue). The cells at the tip of the scale are pigment cells, and determine its color. Together they contribute to the distinctive orange, black, and white striped pattern of the clownfish.

2023 年研究影像