
Eternal Bond


材料與方法: 老鼠腦切片進行免疫染色:使用DAPI(藍色)標定細胞核;GFP(綠色)標示出星狀細胞的美麗分支;並用Sox9(紅色)標定星狀細胞核內的轉錄因子。

The image shows the beautiful embracing of a blood vessel in the mouse brain by a chain of astrocytes.

Materials and Methods: The mouse brain slices were immuno-stained with DAPI (blue) which stains the nuclei of cells across the brain, GFP (green) which stains the beautiful branches of an astrocyte, and Sox9 (red) which stains for a transcription factor in the astrocyte nucleus.

2023 年研究影像